How MFN can benefit your organization
MedCentric Financial Network (MFN) offers health-care organizations
a simple and cost-effective way to enhance the financial and psychological
well-being of their employees. In its annual benefits survey for
2001, Deloitte & Touche found that professional employees ranked
investment advice and retirement planning as the two areas which
they would most like to see added to their employer sponsored benefits
programs. The same survey also found that benefits administrators
are increasingly offering a financial planning benefit as a means
of improving recruitment, retention and productivity.
Professional financial advice and physician
and employee wellness
Financial planning and professional asset management services provide
physicians with the tools they need to make the most of their financial
opportunities. Working with a trained financial advisor helps even
those who are financially savvy avoid common errors, and produces
a multiplier effect over time of increased wealth and life satisfaction.
By systematically addressing each of the core areas of personal
finance, a properly credentialed and experienced advisor can help
physicians reach their full financial potential.
The psychological rewards of working with
an advisor
The psychological benefits of professional financial advice flow
from a sense of mastery over one's finances, increased peace of
mind, and more free time. Recipients of financial planning report
feeling more in control of their lives, and are better able to remain
productively focused on personal and family life, and on career.
For more information on how MFN can help your organization to enjoy
the advantages of professional financial advice, contact Erik Thurnher,
MD, CFP at 1-800-765-0353.