MFN Management and Advisory Board
Erik Thurnher, MD, CFP is a practicing board-certified emergency
physician, and a Certified Financial Planner. Dr. Thurnher writes
and lectures on personal finance issues affecting physicians, and
is a contributing editor on financial matters for Emergency Physicians'
Monthly. His firm, Physicians Financial Consultants, provides fee-only
financial advisory services to medical professionals, and represents
MFN in the Southern California area. Dr. Thurnher is MFN's Chief
Executive Officer and majority shareholder.
Norman Boone, MBA, CFP is a nationally recognized fee-only
financial planner based in San Francisco. Mr. Boone earned his MBA
from Harvard University, and has been named by Medical Economics
as one of the "150 Best Financial Planners for Doctors",
and by Worth Magazine as one of the "250 Best Financial Planners"
in the country. Mr. Boone is Chairman of the MFN Board of Directors,
and locally represents MFN in Northern California's Bay Area.
Key Advisors
Benjamin Coombs, CFP, CLU has 37 years of experience in
the financial services industry. He has held all the chair positions
of the Institute of Certified Financial Planners, including President
in 1985-1986. He currently is serving a four-year term on the Board
of Governors of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards.
Laura Tarbox, CFP is a fee-only financial planner and investment advisor
based in Newport Beach, California. She serves on the Certified Financial Planner
Board of Examiners, and has been recognized by Worth Magazine and Mutual Fund
Magazine as one of the best financial advisors in the country. Her articles on
personal finance have appeared in numerous national publications including Business
Week and Financial Planning Magazine.